Press on. Support and uplift others but never expect others to support or uplift you. You alone are ultimately responsible for that, but appreciate and be grateful for the ones that do.
The other side
I was on a film shoot recently taking a break. I made the unfortunate mistake of leaning against a wall on set. I thought it was clean, then I pulled back to see my grey button down shirt had a line of grease down my shoulder! Ugh! luckily I remembered there was a cooler with seltzer nearby and calmly, well, a bit frantically started scrubbing it down. By the time the production started up again, it was a little less noticeable and I was able to disguise it a little bit and we finished filming for the day with no one noticing... kids don't try this at home ;)
This episode of leaning got me to thinking about an saying that there are two people in life, people who lean on you and people who lift you up. There is an poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
There are two kinds of people on earth today,
Two kinds of people no more I
Not the good or the bad, for it's well understood,
The good are half
bad, the bad are half good.
Not the happy or sad, for in the swift-flying
Bring each man his laughter, each man his tears.
Not the rich or
the poor, for to count a man's wealth,
You must know the state of his
conscience and health.
Not the humble and proud, for in life's busy
Who puts on vain airs is not counted a man.
No! the two kinds of
people on earth I mean,
Are the people who lift, the people who
Wherever you go you'll find the world's masses
Are ever divided
into these two classes.
And, strangely enough, you will find, too, I
There is only one lifter to twenty who lean.
In which class are
you? Are you easing the load
Of the overtaxed lifters who toiled down the
Or are you a leaner who lets others bear,
Your portion of worry and
labor and care?”
The entertainment industry, heck... business and life, can be cruel, dark and lonely at time... You have to have or grow a thicker skin to deal with rejection, disappointment, failures, envy directed to you... and... success.
Developing healthy and constructive ways of revitalizing and encouraging yourself and others is a very valuable and frankly, necessary part of anyone's career. You may find these through
- communicating with you mastermind groups
- learning from mentors, a sifu or sensei
- being a mentor to others
- non profit or volunteer work
- meditation and/or prayer
- positive visualization and affirmations
- exercise: running, lifting, sports
- yoga
- therapy
- reconnecting with nature,
- having interests and a life outside of your career or personal lives
- cultivating healthy relationships with friends and family
- journal writing or blogging
I encourage you to begin or continue to voice support and uplift others. However, never depend or expect them to do the same in kind. You may not like the people, your competitors or even some colleagues at times. You may not choose to associate with them, or they with you. If they do or accomplish something that is worthy of merit, you may think about voicing encouragement and not tearing them down, belittling or leaning on them. It's not respectful nor productive and it takes up your energy and time. It robs you of your own life force.
Most people that are successful doesn't care about other people's opinion that much, if at all anyway, so get on with your own life and improve your own thinking and condition rather than leaning or tearing down.
At the least, encouraging will help you as a human being... anyone's success is a reminder that success is possible for you as well... and sometimes that is the one thing that will encourage you the most in your darkest hours and struggles and keep you going till you see the light again.
break a leg
Be well,
My name is Vincent Veloso. I am a writer, producer, director, actor and musician and martial artist. I have worn many hats in my career, learned some things, still learning, but in this blog, I will be addressing my experience and insights making films and music... stories from casting to wrap party... the good, the bad, the really bad and the ugly.... and the really ungood.
I never use real names, and many times I address my concerns on the day directly to people in real time. I point out my own missteps just as much if not more because I have been that actor/writer/producer/director who has made the same gaffes just as much if not more. Hopefully as I address the circumstances, others can gain valuable insight, through story and my experiences, it will give people help. It is not meant to be mean spirited, but like all subjective commentary and blogs, and many other existing advice and commentary articles, I understand that audience perception is subjective and do hope you know that I hope to help others.
© 2015 Vincent Veloso, Xavmax Multimedia Productions L.L.C. All rights reserved